Friday, July 8, 2011

Mirror, mirror...

I have tons of books: knitting, sewing, cooking ( I have a lot of those), pottery, diet (I'm not very good at following those!), religion, history, and literature books in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
I also have another collection: self-help books. I have to admit that I have only read some of them and mostly they were parenting books. When I look in the mirror I recognize part of the person staring back, but there is so much that I don't. There is so much in that woman that I don't understand, and I want to. There are some questions that I don't ask anymore. I learned the answer to them through my own mistakes and by observing others. I want to know who she is. What is it that really makes her tick? Why do certain things anger her so much? Why is she so needy and insecure sometimes? Why does she tend to prefer hobbies that have a finished products?  Sure, I know some of the answers and at least I can recognize those traits, but I want to know it all.  I want to be able to know and understand myself so well that others can't affect me.
That need to understand and know myself may come from the fact that I'm an analyst. I've always been one, questioned everything and everyone, all actions and motives. Maybe it comes from the fact that my very beginning is a mystery and I doubt I will ever learn the truth. Unfortunately that's not in any book.
This endeavor, or course, is nothing new.  The time has come to be serious though. I have so much to be thankful for and I am. I want to be the best me and that's the true motivation. My sister may be seven years younger but she said the wisest thing to me: "I came to the realization that no one can make you happy. You have to make yourself happy." I may never know where half of my traits come from, but I'm ready to leave that in the past and figure out where they take me.

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